What is a lipogram? It is a form of writing popular with a group known as OULIPO, that is to say ‘Writing Possibility Workshop’, although ‘lipo–’ may go back to Plato’s old word for ‘omit’. It’s all about omitting a basic unit (or two) from a particular composition. If you look at this paragraph in front of you, you don’t find any omission of A, I, O or U ….
- The Excellent Wessex Event by Timothy Adès
- M Sweeney by Timothy Ades
- Lipograms from Stratford–on–Avon by Timothy Adès
- Loredana Lipogram
- I saw a Jolly Huntsman
- ‘What spot do you aim at?’ by Wystan Hugh
- Courtship Song of J. Arthur Prufrock
- Big Pond Quinsy
- Adistrop
- That Road, I Trod It Not
- Tarantella – Lipogram
- Oak Ash and Thorn
- Uricon
- ‘Vowels’
- Vocalisations
- Sailor’s Wind
- The Caged Goldfinch
- Perdita Virgo
- Chill Out, My Sorrow
- Accords
- Cats
- The Lost Leader
- As Boaz Was Dozing
- Sonnet. Written Upon The Top Of Ben Nevis
- On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
- Ode to a Nightingale
- To Sleep
- On a Major London Crossing
- The World Is Too Much With Us – Lipogram