The Ruined Maid
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
His English, my Latin
The Ruined Maid
"O 'Melia, my dear, this does everything crown!
Who could have supposed I should meet you in Town?
And whence such fair garments, such prosperi-ty?" —
"O didn't you know I'd been ruined?" said she.
— "You left us in tatters, without shoes or socks,
Tired of digging potatoes, and spudding up docks;
And now you've gay bracelets and bright feathers three!" —
"Yes: that's how we dress when we're ruined," said she.
— "At home in the barton you said thee' and thou,'
And thik oon,' and theäs oon,' and t'other'; but now
Your talking quite fits 'ee for high compa-ny!" —
"Some polish is gained with one's ruin," said she.
— "Your hands were like paws then, your face blue and bleak
But now I'm bewitched by your delicate cheek,
And your little gloves fit as on any la-dy!" —
"We never do work when we're ruined," said she.
— "You used to call home-life a hag-ridden dream,
And you'd sigh, and you'd sock; but at present you seem
To know not of megrims or melancho-ly!" —
"True. One's pretty lively when ruined," said she.
— "I wish I had feathers, a fine sweeping gown,
And a delicate face, and could strut about Town!" —
"My dear — a raw country girl, such as you be,
Cannot quite expect that. You ain't ruined," said she.
De virgine perdita
‘hoc superat certe, cara o mea Melia, totum:
~~res inopina, ego iens obvia in urbe tibi.
unde hae divitiae quot habes et pulcher amictus?’
~~‘num nescis? quia sum perdita: damnor ego.’
‘squalebant panni, nudo pede pauper abisti:
~~plus lolia et betas lassa fodire nequis.
nunc nitet armillis necnon tribus instita plumis.’
~~‘tale quidem splendens perdita tegmen habet.’
‘rure domi tute, en! tibimetque in chorte solebas,
~~hice ollumque et alid, rustica verba loqui.
nunc tamen apta bonis tua vox, proceresque iuvabis.’
~~‘perdita pro damno lautior esse potest.’
‘dura rudisque manus, pigrum os et pullius: at nunc
~~pellicit et tamquam fascinat ista gena.
sunt manicae tenerae, bona quas matrona sitiret!’
~~‘nulla laborem urget perdita nympha manu.’
‘ante domi te questa magas vinxisse sopore,
~~ miscebas gemitu murmura. nunc mihi ades
expers tristitiae, caput haud cruciata dolore.’
~~‘vera refers: hilaris perdita nympha viget.’
‘o si magnificam chlamydem plumasque tenerem,
~~os purum, forti pulchra et in urbe gradu!’
‘rustica et inconcinna manes. quid? non tibi talis,
~~non tibi, quae non es perdita, vita datur.’Translation: Copyright © Timothy Adès