The Rebel

The Rebel

Don Marquis (1878-1937)

His English, my Latin
The Rebel
NO DOUBT the ordered worlds speed on With purpose in their wings; No doubt the ordered songs are sweet Each worthy angel sings; And doubtless it is wise to heed The ordered words of Kings; But how the heart leaps up to greet The headlong, rebel flight, Whenas some reckless meteor Blazes across the night! Some comet--Byron--Lucifer-- Has dared to Be, and fight! No doubt but it is safe to dwell Where ordered duties are; No doubt the cherubs earn their wage Who wind each ticking star; No doubt the system is quite right!-- Sane, ordered, regular; But how the rebel fires the soul Who dares the strong gods' ire! Each Byron!--Shelley!--Lucifer!-- And all the outcast choir That chant when some Prometheus Leaps up to steal Jove's fire!
The Rebel
scilicet instructos cantat pius angelus hymnos; ~~scilicet instructa est finis ad orbis iter; scilicet et regum fas iussa instructa tueri; ~~scilicet ut volitant sidera, meta datur. at bene praecipitem gaudemus adesse rebellem, ~~acris uti caeca nocte cometa nitet: ausus qui tranare Tagum subit Hellespontum, ~~ausus item vivo proelia ferre Deo! scilicet incolumes, instructa ubi pensa, manemus ; ~~scilicet angelici munera rite merent, machina queis cura est stimulanda ut sidera currant: ~~scilicet imperio lex bona, firma salus! cordibus at quales fovet ille rebellibus ignes, ~~ausus et irato probra adhibere deo! liberat hic Graecos; comes alter flebilis oras ~~mersus ad Italicas, ceu Palinurus, obit; necnon Lucifer ipse, Promethea quisquis et exsul ~~concelebrat flammam subripuisse Jovi! 
(By a New York poet - hint: Sir Quondam) -

Translation: Copyright © Timothy Adès

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